HAMSA Group is immensely happy to serve the general public with a homeopathic hospital in the heart of the city, dedicated to healing and therapy- HAMSA Hospital, a place where doors open to quality homeopathic healthcare, excellent team of qualified practitioners, well maintained facilities and best in class logistics and technology.
Unlike commercialized hospitals and super specialty clinics, every treatment is individualized with a strong belief in ‘No two individuals are same, and hence no two conditions are same’.
Costly investigations and invasive surgeries are a common norm for most of the hospitals with allopathic system of medicine. This is where HAMSA comes to rescue for the common man. At HAMSA Homeopathic Hospital, surgery is the last resort and investigations are made when indispensable. This lifts a huge financialstress from the patient’s mind and assists in the healing process.
It is always good to know your options and explore healthy alternatives before going under knife. We recommended a consultation with a classical homeopath to know your options before heading for any invasive surgical procedure.Give us a call today to get an appointment with a qualified homeopath from the HAMSA Network of Practitioners.
How we define Diseases / Ailments at HAMSA
At HAMSA Diseases / Ailments are just names!
Since times immemorial, every time a disease strikes, humans ponder and attempt to answer questions like ‘Why this Disease?’, ‘Why Me?’ and ‘Why Now?’
But there was never a satisfactory answer found with the prevalent system of medicine. Even today, all understanding arrives to conclude that eating healthy food, daily exercise, proper sleep is the mantra for a healthy living. From newspapers and magazines to internet and interactive television programs-everyone has the same answer. And people have been following it very religiously. But then why hasn’t the society benefited from this very simple mantra. Even after taking all of these suggestive measures, why does one fall ill at all?
In fact, in spite of these healthy practices, the health industry is witness to several new diseases which never existed before. Complications are not being caused by disease, as much as they are caused by medicines and suppressive treatments.
The common man cannot see a hope amidst all of this. He says, turn the page and switch the channel. Maybe there is a better redressal out there to my suffering. But that doesn’t happen.
We strongly believe that there is no one mantra for healthy living or disease prevention. It’s individual to each one of us.
While walking is seen as a health norm, it can be painful for many.
Homeopathy Alternatives to medicine and surgery.
Homeopathy aims at restoring health from any deviation and a homeopathic medicine is actually a positive energy that forces out the disease-causing negative energy.
At Hamsa Homeopathy, we make a simple, sensible and reliable statement of what actually is the cause of your ailments. And remove it.
For any inquiries on how homeopathy can help you or your loved ones with a chronic or acute disease condition, please reach out at info@hamsahomeopathy.org / call +91 8121410000.