HAMSA is proud to spread the word about father of a scientific art of healing which is 200 years ahead of his times – Homeopathy and Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, through its initiatives in the field of Homeopathy.

Dr. Hahnemann was born in an era that was dark, where treatment consisted of gruesome and unimaginable practices such as bloodletting, removal of waste blood through the application of leeches and more. He was disappointed by this state of medicine and believed that it did the patient more harm and good, so much that he quit his practice for several years.

“My sense of duty would not easily allow me to treat the unknown pathological state of my suffering brethren with these unknown medicines. The thought of becoming in this way a murderer or malefactor towards the life of my fellow human beings was most terrible to me, so terrible and disturbing that I wholly gave up my practice in the first years of my married life and occupied myself solely with chemistry and writing.”

After few years of giving up practice and realizing a livelihood as a writer and translator, he was motivated to see the supposed errors in medicine and establishing some noble postulates that would be revered by mankind forever. He studied various treatises on medicine and researched on the nature of substances that helped to cure. Cinchona, the bark of Peruvian tree, was considered to be efficacious in the treatment of malaria due to its astringency. But several other astringent substances weren’t effective at all. Dr. Hahnemann researched on the self-application of cinchona on human body and derived that it led to ‘malaria like symptoms’. Thus, he came to conclusion that substances that were capable of producing certain symptoms, also have to ability to remove/cure these symptoms. He further investigated with different vegetables, chemicals and toxins, to arrive at a similar finding, and gave a crucial postulate ‘like cures like’ which became the basis of homoeopathy.

Dr. Hahnemann later went on to study the historical cases of poisoning in medical literature and came to the understanding that if toxic effects of ingested substances create symptoms when consumed in high doses, then in lower concentration they will remove/cure the same symptoms. He devised a method, popularly known as ‘potentization’ to dilute the toxic effect of drugs and used them to heal the sick.

We at HAMSA feel very honored to serve the public with this marvelous science of medicine. Our hearts go out to revere the contributions made by Dr. Hahnemann in creating a foundation for this system of medicine and thinking way ahead of his time.

Dr. Samuel Hahnemann – Tribute from HAMSA Homeopathy

Dr. Samuel Hahnemann

Inspiration from Dr. Samuel Hahnemann

  • At Hamsa Homeopathy, Treatment is artistic, scientific and which is simplified to prevent a loss of time money for the patient.
  • Our doctors are trained to act based on reasoning and common sense to arrive at the diagnosis of a patient’s suffering.
  • The most important thing we follow is “Each time it’s a different case”.
  • At Hamsa Homeopathy, Treatment of chronic diseases is like watching a crop grow by adding manure and at the same time removing the weeds that hinder the progress. For acute cases, the patient feels betterment right in front of us.
  • At Hamsa Homeopathy, we believe that there is always a cause of a disease. Our doctors are trained to find out and remove it first not just by medicine but also an advice or suggestion that can guide the patient to mental relaxation that will hasten the cure.
  • Ninety percent of the patients come to us after going around specialists. We see what they have failed to. And Ninety percent of patients stick with us.