HAMSA Homeo Network Clinics – Simplifing Dieases
Any system of medicine fails to be of use at the onset, if people are not even aware of the science and benefits. One of the major reasons why Homeopathy isn’t benefited by millions is that people are unaware about the possibilities this wonderful science offers. This is either due to lack of easily accessible homeopathic centers or less knowledge about qualified homeopaths in the city.
HAMSA’s mission doesn’t stop at the inception and administration of homeopathic academy and hospital, but expands to create the right awareness among people about Homeopathy and its benefits. To accomplish this, we have joined hands with the best homeopaths in the state to deliver medical services in all major areas of the state. This collaboration is envisioned to promote the launch and successful operation of homeopathic network clinics across Telangana.
For any inquiries related to establishing a homeopathic clinic with HAMSA or joining our HAMSA Network of Practitioners, email us atinfo@hamsahomeopathy.com.
HAMSA Homeopathy Hospital & Research Centre
– Nurturing Simple & Effective Treatments
HAMSA Group is immensely happy to serve the general public with a homeopathic hospital in the heart of the city, dedicated to healing and therapy- HAMSA Homeopathy Hospital & Research Centre, a place where doors open to quality homeopathic healthcare, excellent team of qualified practitioners, well maintained facilities and best in class logistics and technology.
Unlike commercialized hospitals and super specialty clinics, every treatment is individualized with a strong belief in ‘No two individuals are same, and hence no two conditions are same’.
Costly investigations and invasive surgeries are a common norm for most of the hospitals with allopathic system of medicine. This is where HAMSA comes to rescue for the common man. At HAMSA Homeopathic Hospital, surgery is the last resort and investigations are made when indispensable. This lifts a huge financial stress from the patient’s mind and assists in the healing process.
It is always good to know your options and explore healthy alternatives before going under knife. We recommended a consultation with a classical homeopath to know your options before heading for any invasive surgical procedure.Give us a call today to get an appointment with a qualified homeopath from the HAMSA Network of Practitioners.
HAMSA Homeopathy Medical College (Proposed)
– Teaching & Training Homeopathy
HAMSA Academy strives towards professionally training individuals who have a passion for healing others, according to the principles of Dr. Samuel Hahnemann. HAMSA’s comprehensive ___ year program aids students along every stage of learning from initial exposure to Homeopathy to becoming a practitioner.
The Academy isn’t restricted to education and learning, but the avenues expand towards building a platform that encompasses a wide network of accomplished Homeopaths and students of medicine, to share knowledge and develop quality standards.
The Academy’s vision is to become a foundation which shall encourage the correct learning of the Science and Art of Homeopathy as per the principles of Dr. Samuel, promote research, connect with more schools of learning, enlighten medical doctors and patients on the possibilities of homeopathy, honor the best practitioners and research projects around the nation.